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Restaurants in Northern New Jersey

Thatcher McGhees Irish Pub and Eatery

Pompton Lakes, New Jersey

Show Map Thatcher McGhee's Irish Pub and Eatery
6 Wanaque Ave.
Pompton Lakes, New Jersey 07442

Corned Beef and Cabbage Rolls
Thatcher McGhee’s opened its doors in July

of 2006in Pompton Lakes, N.J. Its most prominent feature, the thatched roof, garnered much attentionfrom the press and public alike.

Once inside, visitors explore the replica thatch

cottage, the traditional tools of the Irish farmer,the numerous paintings of the Irish landscapeand culture, as well as spend time reading the authentic Irish signs and famous quotes thatdecorate the walls.

Our dining room and pub offer a comfortable enviroment where friends and family alike gather

to raise a pint and share their stories. Our hearty

menu reflects both traditional Irish meals and more contemporary American cuisine

Phone: 973-839-3377
FAX: 973-839-4522

Thatcher McGhees Irish Pub and Eatery - Restaurants in Northern New Jersey

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