Yes indeed, I am now a cucamelon tycoon. Third year growing this south american delicacy in north Jersey. Cucamelons are also known as Mouse Melon and Mexican Sour Gherkins. The fruit is small (grape size) having a crunchy texture with a cucumber-like center. The flavor can be described as citrusy cucumber with a slight sour note. Great for garden snacking!
I discovered cucamelons on a social media website I was intrigued, so I did some research and located seeds on I germinated the seeds indoors in April and planted them outdoors in my garden near a chicken wire fence. The plants grew quickly and produced an abundance of fruit.

The first two years I grew cucamelons, I didn’t get many. I think the problem was that I didn’t train the vines to grow up the garden fence. But the third year I got serious and used the fence as a trellis. I was rewarded with a ton of crunchy, delicious cucamelons! I think I also helped the plants by adding a tablespoon of blood meal to each one.