Garden Prep 2013


To clean debris, remove weeds and prepare soil for planting and transplanting of vegetables

Equipment and Materials

personal equipment

Coveralls – great for gardening with lots of pockets and tool holders.
Gloves – Good gardening gloves along with coveralls gives one a feeling of empowerment and invincibility no matter how dirty the gardening job.

tools and materials

Tiller – Hand tools such as a Pick Mattock and Spading Fork, but a gasoline powered tiller will make quick work of turning a garden.

Rake – a necessity for clening the garden of leaves and pebbles. Using two rakes like “salad forks” eases pickup of debris.

Garden Cart – Great for removal of leaves from the garden.


Step 1

Using a rake, clean up leaves and debris from the winter. Load collected material into your garden cart for dumping in a compost pile

Step 2

Using the tiller, till the soil about 6 inches deep, concentrating on uprooting any weeds or grass. Remove large rocks and save for seed bed borders.

Step 3

Using the rake again, rake and remove uprooted vegetative material and smooth out garden soil.


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