Morning Glorys are great flowers that are easy to grow, easy to collect seed and propagate. Morning glorys are vines so I try to use it to grow on trellises, mailbox and sign posts if I can. nother idead is a rock wall near my font stairs. This year i planted seeds for purple and white Morning Glorys in some rock walls. First I used some ptting soil to make platforms for the seeds to grow and root on, then I watered using a watering can with diffuser. I thenb ade the seeds to the wet potting soil and covered with additional protting soil and watered again. Seeds from morning glorys are easily recovered from dried flowers and are rather large and easy to collect. I planted a patch of morning glories a few years ago and they are a perenial garden, every year purple flowers appear in the summer months.
- Morning Glorys in a rock wall planting about 1 week after planting
- Morning Glorys
- White and purple morning glories grown in rock crevices near steps
- Mature morning glories planted in rock crevices along stairs with white and purple flowers at age 3 months
- Morning glory grown in pot with tomato cage for climbing
- Morning glory grown in planter with tomoato cage for climbing
- These Morning Glories reappear each year without sowing seeds. They are still blooming in this autumn picure.
- Morning Glories
- Morning Glories plante along stairway