So it begins….

set things in motion foe 2021, I bought a seedling tray and filled it with tomato seeds. I planted a variety including soem 3 year old super beefsteak seeds from 2019. I have some new Rutgers variety seeds ( which now are apparently “heritage seeds”, dont get old kids!). I had a few cherry tomato seeds left over from last year adn I plnted some new “Early Treat” seeds. There is room for thirty six seedlings in my tray, too many to plant in the yard, but i will have backup if I plant too early. Last year I starte the seeds too early (before March 15th) and even after repotting the peat pellets in bigger contiainers, they were getting too big and hard to care for. so in eth middel of April the weather looked pretty good for plating outside. of course minutes later, it snowed. when the initial plating did not magically reviev bigger and better, i had enough plants started that i coulld have a “do-over’. Usually it doent snow much in April but ther e we were. Anyway this year i plante later than usual (usual=March 15). So safely in the house with flourescent lighting, my plants will remain till firstw week of May.

try of peat pds before adding aproximately 7 sups of water.
seedling tray after adding water a\nd tomato seeds
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