Spring is in sight!

Starting to think about the garden this year. Last year i started tomatoes about a week before March 17 (my normal day for starting veggies indoors). This year I am starting some flowers and plants for decorative purposes. Usually besides tomatoes and eggplant, i would start marigolds and zinnias indoors but this year i am trying two new plants!

Elephant Ears (Colocasia): I never grew Elephant Ears before, but seeing photos on social media, I decided that they would look good in the pool area and the grandkids would get a kick out of them.

Elephant Ear tuber installed!
Elephant Ear (Colocasia) instructions

Mexican Sunflowers: I have seen these used in the area as commercial landscape plantings. Deer resistant and attractive to pollinators, I will use these in a few areas around the driveway. The package says to plant directly in the garden outside, but i want earlier flowers so i am starting them inside in small pots

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