Spring Lawn Care

In addition to cleaning up flower beds and shrubs, a big part of my garden is lawn. There is only one thing to do with that and it is to rake, rake and rake more. Besides leaves and twigs from the winter months, the most important thing is to rake out the dead grass and thatch. Removing the dead leaves and thatch allows the healthy green grass to show through and thrive. After raking, I will use a garden spreader to add puverized lime to adjust the pH befoe seeding. A good time to add lime is before it rains so that the lime i washed into the soil. Not to forget about a good pair of garden gloves, I like the PIP WA4215A-AMZ Brahma Men’s Large Glove Leather, Palm Grey, 3-Pack. Leather work gloves are great for protecting your hands from prickly branches and things you don’t want to touch with bare skin (…if you know what i mean…biologicals: dead animals, live animals, poop, bugs). You can double up with a cotton garden glove and wear the leather work glove as an outter layer, this works particularly well. The leather gloves last a while, I usually leave them out in the rain to get clean and dry them on fence post in the sun, usually I will get a couple of seasons out of a pair.

Rake, rake, rake! I put down about fifty pounds of pulverized lime with a small garden spreader on the front lawn, It looked like a bit afterwards, but luckily the next few day the rains washed it into the soil and the grass gre in tall and green, just about ready for the first lawn cutting. Also I have been throwing around alot of sun/shade grass seed.

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