Nature and Science Events
Saturday April 12, 2025 West Milford, New Jersey Tuesday April 22, 2025 Montclair, New Jersey
Northern New Jersey enjoys four seasons with significant changes
in temperature and scenery.
The earth's northern and southern hemispheres experience temperature
and day length in annual cycles because the earth is slightly titled
on it's axis.
Located in the Northern hemisphere at 42° N, New Jersey is
tilted away from the sun from during the winter. The short days/long
nights and lower temperatures result from the increased angle of
the suns rays. The northern hemisphere tilts at a maximum December
21 or 22 resulting in the years shortest period of daylight. This
time is called the winter solstice.
The the northern hemisphere is tilted toward the sun during the
summer months, June, July and August. New Jersey is affected by
more direct rays from the sun producing warm weather and longer
days/shorter nights. The daylight length peaks at the summer solstice
on June 21 or 22.
In between these extremes, there are two periods during the spring
and autumn seasons when the length of day and night are about the
same. These events happen March 20 or 21 and September 21 or 22.
These dates are name the vernal and autumnal equinoxes.
The Spring and Fall (autumn) bring times of great changes in plants
and animals. The winter and summer are periods of relative stability.
The seasons determine the activities of animals; bears hibernate
and birds migrate in the fall and winter, birds mate and male deer
begin to grow antlers in the spring summer. Plants also change loosing
their foilage and leaves in the autumn and flowering to produce
seed in the spring and summer.
Photo Gallery of Seasonal Changes in Northern
New Jersey