8/2/2011 – Second Season Garden means planting a late summer/fall garden. Today 8/4 i sowed seeds for Bonanza Hybrid and Green Goliath Broccoli plus Igloo Lettuce. I have some heirloom leek seeds, leeks can be planted in August but i thought the growing season at 3 months was long.
8/10/2011 – The broccoli germinated in about 5 days which was surprising because the package said up to 3 weeks for germinqtion. The igloo lettuce has not yet broken the soil surface, again mislead in the opposite direction this time, there germination time was 10 days. I planted cucumbers in late June and harvested one today. Lots of flowers on the cucumbers seem to indicate a good yield. The cucmbers sre located where they get late afternoon shade. I will break ground for the leeks today next to some squash plants sown in late June.
- WalMart Tomato plant
- Tomato plants with cages
- Row of Tomato plants August 2011
- Pepper plants August 2011
- Cucumbers August 2011
- Hibiscus August 2011
- Bird Shrine
9/1/2011 – The lettuce never sprouted, a little disappointing and i din’t get around to planting the leeks. The broccoli after germinating suspiciously quickly seems be stuck in the cotyledon sprout stage without much growth. I think that some of teh problem is with the lack of sunlight in my yard. Looks like quite a few cucumbers are growing and finally i have a few tomatoes now, hoping they will ripen soon, the weather is turning a bit cooler.