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Indoor Seed Start
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Starting vegetable plants indoors is an easy way to get a jump on spring planting and is essential to growing tomatoes and eggplants in northern New Jersey.

Materials and Apparatusseed
                            starting kit



Burpee Super Beefsteak Tomato Seeds (250 mg, about 55 seeds)

Burpee Black Beauty Eggplant Seeds (250 mg about 55 seeds)

Burpee Roma Tomato seeds (250 mg)

Jiffy Professional Greenhouse trays (36 peat pellets)

new pencil (for making seed holes)

1 liter watering can


dry peat tray
Remove clear plastic cover from seed trays and arrange peat pellets in the plastic molds.
wetted peat tray
Add aproximately 3 cups of warm water to each tray, ensuring pellets are in place.  Wait aproximately 15 minutes or until peat pellets are fully expanded.
marked pencil
Mark an unsharpened pencil about 1/4 inch from the end.
seed hole
Use the pencil to create holes in the middle of the peat pellets. Make the holes between 1/4 and 1/2 inches deep.
Slice open end of seed envelope. Carefully tap envelope until seed reaches end of envelope to drop into peat pellet hole.  Repeat until all peat pellets contain seeds, add a second seed to pellets until seed envelope is empty.  Try not to touch seeds with fingers.
recover trays
Recover trays with plastic cover, snapping into place. Set aside in a warm place. wait.
day 6, tomatos germinate
Six days after planting, tomato seedlings emerge!


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