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EDITORS PICK - Fun with the Family New Jersey: Hundreds Of Ideas For Day Trips With The Kids (Fun with the Family Series)

Fun with the Family New Jersey: Hundreds Of Ideas For Day Trips With The Kids (Fun with the Family Series)- Francesca Di Meglio -
A first edition! This opinionated, personal, and easy-to-use guide has hundreds of ideas to keep the kids entertained for an hour, a day, or a weekend! Fun with the Family New Jersey leads the way to historical attractions, children's museums, wildlife habitats, festivals, parks, and much more. Geared towards parents with children between the ages of two and twelve, the guide features interesting facts and sidebars as well as practical tips about traveling with your little ones. 

List Price: $15.95
Our Price:$15.95

Recreation in New Jersey

Kittatinny Trails Map: Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area, High Point State Park, Stokes State Forest, Worthington State Forest -New York-New Jersey Trail Conference -

Printed in vibrant color on waterproof and tear-resistant Tyvek, this revised, digitally-produced four-map set is a must-have for outdoor enthusiasts interested in exploring the vast parklands along the Kittatinny Ridge and adjacent section of the Delaware River through New Jersey and Pennsylvania.

The maps in this set feature:

  • More than 275 miles of marked trails in portions of New Jersey (Sussex and Warren counties), Pennsylvania (Monroe, Northampton, and Pike counties), and New York (Orange County)
  • Parklands including the Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area, High Point State Park, Stokes State Forest, Worthington State Forest, and Huckleberry Ridge State Forest
  • More than 50 miles of the Appalachian Trail as it traverses the Kittatinny Ridge
  • Detailed trail mileage numbers directly on the map front
  • 20-foot elevation contours
  • 1:36,000 scale (1 inch = 3,000 feet)
  • Convenient map sizes to carry and use on the trail
  • Complete trail index and guide to trail usage on map back
  • Enlarged inset maps of many popular areas, including High Point Monument, Stony Lake, and the Delaware Water Gap
  • Parkland boundaries
  • Unmaintained trails and woods roads
  • Viewpoints, campsites, shelters, waterfalls, mines, and other points of interest
  • Parking areas
  • Delaware River information such as river mileage, access points, rapids, and river campsites
  • Park contact information, history, and regulations
  • UTM coordinate grid with latitude/longitude markings

Built on more than 75 years of mapping experience, New York-New Jersey Trail Conference maps are your source for reliable trail information in the New York-New Jersey metropolitan region. These maps are Made By the People Who Build the Trails and are regularly updated with changes to the trails.

List Price:$13.95
Our Price:$13.95

Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area (Images of America) -Laura Obiso - - Used Book in Good Condition Europeans first settled in what was to become the Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area (DWGNRA) in the 17th century. By the late 1800s, the Delaware Water Gap had become a popular vacation spot, attracting thousands to the palatial resorts in the mountains. Rural communities thrived in the valley until the 1960s. The DWGNRA was created in 1965 to oversee activities centered around a reservoir that was to be the result of a dam to be built on the Delaware River at Tocks Island. In anticipation of the dam, the government removed residents by purchasing or condemning property. An environmental and political war raged, and the dam was ultimately defeated. Although several historical sites were lost, many survived and a few have been restored. Today the DWGNRA is one of the country’s most popular parks. Within its boundaries are rugged and beautiful wilderness, historic landmarks, and the wild and scenic Delaware River.

List Price:$21.99
Our Price:$21.99

Explorer's Guide 50 Hikes in New Jersey: Walks, Hikes, and Backpacking Trips from the Kittatinnies to Cape May (Fourth Edition) (Explorer's 50 Hikes) -New York-New Jersey Trail Conference - - 50 HIKES: NEW JERSEY

This completely updated treasury of trails takes you to the best wild places in the Garden State.

Hike along the Appalachian ridge or over the ragged Wyanokies, pass into pine barrens or through marshes and dunes on the coast, and you’ll see that New Jersey has so much more than just cities. This fully revised edition takes you deep into its wild heart.

100+ color photos

List Price:$21.95
Our Price:$18.43

New Jersey Atlas & Gazetteer -Delorme - - Includes Boat ramps, Camp roads, Recreational sites, etc. - Paperback for easy carry and storage - Easy to use and read Delorme, a Travel Planning Resource. More than just a great place to purchase DeLorme mapping software, the Earth mate GPS and Atlas & Gazetteers for every state. You'll find a rich assortment of travel planning items, guide books, globes, maps and atlases covering the entire world. Plus geography-related gift items for travelers, perfect for graduation, retirement, Father's Day, and holiday gifts.

List Price:$19.95
Our Price:

New Jersey State Parks Camping & Recreation Guide -Scott Zamek - - Author: Scott Zamek - ISBN: 9780811734738
  • Maps of campgrounds and more than 200 trails and detailed trail descriptions and recommendations on campsites
  • More than 25 activities described
  • 85 wildlife areas featured

    The Garden State is rife with beautiful natural areas, preserved by the state park system. This is a comprehensive guide to camping, hiking, boating, and other recreation to be enjoyed in New Jersey's state parks. Packed with detailed maps, the book includes useful trail descriptions, helpful tips on finding the best campsites, and expert advice on a range of activities, from birding and fishing to horseback riding, mountain biking, and cross-country skiing.

    List Price:$19.95
    Our Price:

  • The Crossover (The Crossover Series) -Kwame Alexander - - Newbery medal winners

    New York Times bestseller ∙ Newbery Medal Winner ∙Coretta Scott King Honor Award ∙2015 YALSA 2015 Top Ten Best Fiction for Young Adults∙ 2015 YALSA Quick Picks for Reluctant Young Adult Readers ∙Publishers Weekly Best Book ∙ School Library Journal Best Book∙ Kirkus Best Book

    "A beautifully measured novel of life and line."—The New York Times Book Review

    "With a bolt of lightning on my kicks . . .The court is SIZZLING. My sweat is DRIZZLING. Stop all that quivering. Cuz tonight I’m delivering," announces dread-locked, 12-year old Josh Bell. He and his twin brother Jordan are awesome on the court. But Josh has more than basketball in his blood, he's got mad beats, too, that tell his family's story in verse, in this fast and furious middle grade novel of family and brotherhood from Kwame Alexander.

    Josh and Jordan must come to grips with growing up on and off the court to realize breaking the rules comes at a terrible price, as their story's heart-stopping climax proves a game-changer for the entire family.

    List Price:$16.99
    Our Price:$9.38

    Best Tent Camping: New Jersey: Your Car-Camping Guide to Scenic Beauty, the Sounds of Nature, and an Escape from Civilization -Matt Willen -

    Perfect Camping for You in New Jersey!

    The Garden State provides a spectacular backdrop for some of the most scenic campgrounds in the country. But do you know which campgrounds offer the most privacy? Which are the best for first-time campers? Matt Willen traversed the entire state―from the northern reaches of Stokes State Forest to the Atlantic coastal islands―and compiled the most up-to-date research to steer you to the perfect spot!

    Best Tent Camping: New Jersey presents 50 private, state park, and state forest campgrounds, organized into five distinct regions. Selections are based on location, topography, size, and overall appeal, and every site is rated for beauty, privacy, spaciousness, safety and security, and cleanliness―so you’ll always know what to expect. The new full-color edition of this proven guidebook provides everything you need to know, with detailed maps of each campground and key information such as fees, restrictions, dates of operation, and facilities, as well as driving directions and GPS coordinates.

    Whether you seek a quiet campground near a fish-filled stream or a family campground with all the amenities, grab Best Tent Camping: New Jersey. It’s an escape for all who wish to find those special locales that recharge the mind, body, and spirit. This guide is a keeper.

    List Price:$16.95
    Our Price:$13.93

    Last Child in the Woods: Saving Our Children From Nature-Deficit Disorder -Richard Louv - - Great product! "I like to play indoors better 'cause that's where all the electrical outlets are," reports a fourth-grader. Never before in history have children been so plugged in-and so out of touch with the natural world. In this groundbreaking new work, child advocacy expert Richard Louv directly links the lack of nature in the lives of today's wired generation-he calls it nature deficit-to some of the most disturbing childhood trends, such as rises in obesity, Attention Deficit Disorder (Add), and depression. Some startling facts: By the 1990s the radius around the home where children were allowed to roam on their own had shrunk to a ninth of what it had been in 1970. Today, average eight-year-olds are better able to identify cartoon characters than native species, such as beetles and oak trees, in their own community. The rate at which doctors prescribe antidepressants to children has doubled in the last five years, and recent studies show that too much computer use spells trouble for the developing mind. Nature-deficit disorder is not a medical condition; it is a description of the human costs of alienation from nature. This alienation damages children and shapes adults, families, and communities. There are solutions, though, and they're right in our own backyards. Last child in the Woods is the first book to bring together cutting-edge research showing that direct exposure to nature is essential for healthy childhood development-physical, emotional, and spiritual. What's more, nature is a potent therapy for depression, obesity, and Add. Environment-based education dramatically improves standardized test scores and grade point averages and develops skills in problem solving, critical thinking, and decision making. Even creativity is stimulated by childhood experiences in nature.

    List Price:$16.95
    Our Price:$10.56

    Chesapeake Requiem: A Year with the Watermen of Vanishing Tangier Island -Earl Swift -

    A brilliant, soulful, and timely portrait of a two-hundred-year-old crabbing community in the middle of the Chesapeake Bay as it faces extinction.

    A BEST BOOK OF THE YEAR: Washington Post, NPR, Outside, Smithsonian, Popular Science, Bloomberg, Christian Science Monitor, Chicago Review of Books, Science Friday, and Kirkus 

    "BEAUTIFUL, HAUNTING AND TRUE." — Hampton Sides •  “GORGEOUS. A TRULY REMARKABLE BOOK.” — Beth Macy • "GRIPPING. FANTASTIC." — Outside • "CAPTIVATING." — Washington Post • "POWERFUL." — Bill McKibben • "VIVID. HARROWING AND MOVING." — Science • "A MASTERFUL NARRATIVE." — Christian Science Monitor • "THE BEST NONFICTION BOOK OF THE YEAR."  — Stephen L. Carter/Bloomberg

    A Washington Post bestseller • An Indie Next List selection • An NPR All Things Considered and Axios "Book Club" pick

    Tangier Island, Virginia, is a community unique on the American landscape. Mapped by John Smith in 1608, settled during the American Revolution, the tiny sliver of mud is home to 470 hardy people who live an isolated and challenging existence, with one foot in the 21st century and another in times long passed. They are separated from their countrymen by the nation’s largest estuary, and a twelve-mile boat trip across often tempestuous water—the same water that for generations has made Tangier’s fleet of small fishing boats a chief source for the rightly prized Chesapeake Bay blue crab, and has lent the island its claim to fame as the softshell crab capital of the world.

    Yet for all of its long history, and despite its tenacity, Tangier is disappearing. The very water that has long sustained it is erasing the island day by day, wave by wave. It has lost two-thirds of its land since 1850, and still its shoreline retreats by fifteen feet a year—meaning this storied place will likely succumb first among U.S. towns to the effects of climate change. Experts reckon that, barring heroic intervention by the federal government, islanders could be forced to abandon their home within twenty-five years. Meanwhile, the graves of their forebears are being sprung open by encroaching tides, and the conservative and deeply religious Tangiermen ponder the end times.   

    Chesapeake Requiem is an intimate look at the island’s past, present and tenuous future, by an acclaimed journalist who spent much of the past two years living among Tangier’s people, crabbing and oystering with its watermen, and observing its long traditions and odd ways. What emerges is the poignant tale of a world that has, quite nearly, gone by—and a leading-edge report on the coming fate of countless coastal communities.

    List Price:$28.99
    Our Price:$19.71

    The Running Dream (Schneider Family Book Award - Teen Book Winner) -Wendelin Van Draanen - - Ember When Jessica is told she’ll never run again, she puts herself back together—and learns to dream bigger than ever before. The acclaimed author of Flipped delivers a powerful and healing story.
    Jessica thinks her life is over when she loses a leg in a car accident. She’s not comforted by the news that she’ll be able to walk with the help of a prosthetic leg. Who cares about walking when you live to run?
    As she struggles to cope, Jessica feels that she’s both in the spotlight and invisible. People who don’t know what to say act like she’s not there. Jessica’s embarrassed to realize that she’s done the same to a girl with CP named Rosa. A girl who is going to tutor her through all the math she’s missed. A girl who sees right into the heart of her.
    With the support of family, friends, a coach, and her track teammates, Jessica may actually be able to run again. But that’s not enough for her now. She doesn’t just want to cross finish lines herself—she wants to take Rosa with her.
    “Inspirational. The pace of Van Draanen’s prose matches Jessica’s at her swiftest. Readers will zoom through the book just as Jessica blazes around the track. A lively and lovely story.” —Kirkus Reviews

    List Price:$9.99
    Our Price:$9.99


    New York & New Jersey Month-by-Month Gardening: What to Do Each Month to Have a Beautiful Garden All Year -Kate Copsey -

    Gardeners living in New York or New Jersey need this easy-to-use guide for year-round plant care!

    If you're a passionate gardener and a resident of New York or New Jersey, there's a book you must acquire for your bookshelf: New York & New Jersey Month-by-Month Gardening. Falling in line with the Cool Springs Press gardening series, this book provides monthly gardening advice, written just for New York and New Jersey gardeners.

    This gardeners' guide is organized according to calendar month--January through December. Each month is divided into the following categories: planning, planting, caring for plants, watering, fertilizing, and problem solving. Within those categories, gardeners will find the major plant groups (annuals, edibles, perennials, trees, lawn, and shrubs) covered in detail. Learn the proper time to plant your favorite bulbs and edibles, and find out how to plant bare-root trees. From planting perennials to coming up with a strategy for pest management, New York & New Jersey Month-by-Month Gardening guides readers through every major question that crops up.

    With essential how-to information organized into helpful sidebars as well as step-by-step photos to illustrate technique, this book is a veritable road map for a year's worth of gardening tasks in this diverse region. Roll up your sleeves, gardeners, and prepare to get dirty!

    List Price:$24.99
    Our Price:$16.98

    Month-By-Month Gardening in New Jersey: What To Do Each Month to Have a Beautiful Garden All Year -Pegi Ballister-Howells - - Used Book in Good Condition
    Never garden alone! The Month-By-Month series is the perfect companion to take the guesswork out of gardening. With this book, you'll know what to do each month to have gardening success all year. Written by authors in your state, the information is tailored to the issues that affect your garden the most. When is the best time to plant trees and shrubs? Should I fertilize my lawn now? Is it time to prune my roses? What should I be doing in my garden this month? You'll find the answers to these questions and much more inside. This easy-to-use book highlights each of the ten major plant categories using a monthly format. It guides you through each month of the year, telling you exactly what your garden needs. It is like having an expert in the garden with you all year long. Valuable hints are located throughout the book, and beautiful photographs will inspire you. Written just for gardeners where you live, you can be confident that the information is right for you-and your garden will show it.

    List Price:$19.99
    Our Price:

    The Timber Press Guide to Vegetable Gardening in the Northeast (Regional Vegetable Gardening Series) -Marie Iannotti -

    Growing vegetables requires regionally specific information—what to plant, when to plant it, and when to harvest are based on climate, weather, and first frost. The Timber Press Guide to Vegetable Gardening in the Northeast tackles this need head on, with regionally specific growing information written by local gardening expert, Marie Iannotti. This region includes Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, and Vermont. The southernmost parts of Ontario, New Brunswick, Novia Scotia, and Quebec are also included.

    Monthly planting guides show exactly what you can do in the garden from January through December. The skill sets go beyond the basics with tutorials on seed saving, worm bins, and more.

    List Price:
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    Mid-Atlantic Gardener's Handbook: Your Complete Guide: Select, Plan, Plant, Maintain, Problem-Solve - Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia, Washington D.C. -Katie Elzer-Peters -

    Now all gardeners living in the Mid-Atlantic can unlock the secrets to successful gardening in their region, thanks to this informative, fully illustrated handbook!

    Mid-Atlantic Gardener's Handbook has everything a gardener needs for successful planting and growing in the Mid-Atlantic region--all contained in one easy-to-reference book. Comprehensive to the core, this book is different from other gardening guidebooks because it's written exclusively for gardeners who live in Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia, or Washington, D.C. Subjects covered include plant selection and when-to gardening maintenance information. Planting and growing information for edibles is also included, along with plant selections for the most common plant categories.

    As an important component in the CSP Gardener's Handbook series, this an all-inclusive gardener's reference book offers plant information as well as the critical when-to-do-it information. Additionally, the book covers ornamental landscape and edible plants, as well as monthly when-to tips. It is the undisputed handbook for gardening in the Mid-Atlantic. Some chapters include:

    Introduction to Gardening


    Perennials & Ornamental Grasses

    Bulbs, Corms, Tubers and Rhizomes

    Herbs & Vegetables


    Lawn Grasses




    List Price:$24.99
    Our Price:$24.99

    Northeast Fruit & Vegetable Gardening: Plant, Grow, and Eat the Best Edibles for Northeast Gardens (Fruit & Vegetable Gardening Guides) -Charlie Nardozzi -

    This book includes more than 60 fruits, vegetables, and herbs selected for growing success in the diverse growing conditions of Northeast gardens. Northeast Fruit & Vegetable Gardening addresses the climate, soil, sun, and water conditions that affect growing success and includes advice for extending the growing season. Each plant profile highlights planting, growing, watering, and care information. Helpful charts and graphs assist gardeners in knowing when to plant and harvest.

    List Price:$22.99
    Our Price:$19.54

    Native Plants of the Northeast: A Guide for Gardening and Conservation -Donald J. Leopold - - Used Book in Good Condition If you've always wanted to garden with native plants, this book is for you. With entries for nearly 700 species of native trees, shrubs, vines, ferns, grasses, and wildflowers from the northeastern quarter of the U.S. and eastern Canada, its comprehensive horticultural coverage is unsurpassed by any other single volume. The natural ranges of many of the plants discussed extend beyond the Northeast; the information on horticultural uses applies to any garden. Each plant description includes information about cultivation and propagation, ranges, and hardiness. An appendix recommends particular plants for difficult situations, as well as attracting butterflies, hummingbirds, and other wildlife. Illustrated throughout with color photographs.

    List Price:$39.95
    Our Price:$36.96

    Grow Great Vegetables in New Jersey (Regional Vegetable Gardening Series) -Marie Iannotti -
    The best gardeners know what and when they can grow is determined by where they are gardening. Grow Great Vegetables in New Jersey is the ultimate guide to growing food in the Garden State, with detailed information on climate zones, average frost dates, and growing season details. Entry-level garden information includes details on sun, soil, fertilizer, mulch, and water. A garden planning section offers advice on design, and monthly planting guides show exactly what to do in the garden from January through December. An A–Z of edibles offers detailed information on the top 50 plants. 

    List Price:$19.95
    Our Price:$19.95

    New Jersey Gardener's Guide The What, Where, When, How & Why Of Gardening In New Jersey -Pegi Ballister-Howells - - Used Book in Good Condition
    With a northern, coastal climate, New Jersey can be a difficult state for landscape gardeners. "The New Jersey Gardener's Guide" takes the guesswork out of gardening by offering state-specific, detailed information that generic national publications cannot. The book is the first of its kind for New Jersey because it provides readers with information on what plants will thrive in New Jersey backyards. Pegi Ballister-Howells knows the challenges of gardening in New Jersy and has written special sections that are devoted to plants for winter interest and plants for the shore area. The New Jersey Gardener's Guide is written for gardeners of all levels so everyone can achieve the garden of their dreams.

    List Price:$19.99
    Our Price:

    The Bad Beginning: Or, Orphans! (A Series of Unfortunate Events, Book 1) -Lemony Snicket - - HarperTrophy


    Are you made fainthearted by death? Does fire unnerve you? Is a villain something that might crop up in future nightmares of yours? Are you thrilled by nefarious plots? Is cold porridge upsetting to you? Vicious threats? Hooks? Uncomfortable clothing?

    It is likely that your answers will reveal A Series of Unfortunate Events to be ill-suited for your personal use. A librarian, bookseller, or acquaintance should be able to suggest books more appropriate for your fragile temperament. But to the rarest of readers we say, "Proceed, but cautiously."

    List Price:$7.99
    Our Price:$6.99

    The New Sunset Western Garden Book: The Ultimate Gardening Guide (Sunset Western Garden Book (Cloth)) -The Editors of Sunset - As surely as gardens change with the seasons, gardening is ever changing. New plants, techniques, materials, and lifestyles are constantly broadening the choices you have and reshaping the way you garden in the West. In response to this natural evolution, the editors of Sunset-the West's most trusted source of gardening information for more than 80 years-have completely redesigned and updated The Western Garden Book in this new 2012 Ninth Edition. Following the best-selling success of the previous editions of The Western Garden Book, this edition includes a fresh new look, thousands of color photographs, fresh illustrations, and an easy-to-follow format. Written by experts for gardeners in the West, this book is an indispensable reference for beginning and expert gardeners alike.

    The New Western Garden Book features include:

    • A photo gallery shows the West's most innovative gardens, from all-edibles front yards to stylish water-wise and fire-wise gardens to living walls and green roofs-all with ideas you can use.
    • Climate Zone Maps and growing-season graphs for all regions of the West including Alaska and Hawaii.
    • A new "Plant Finder" section helps you choose plants for their garden's problem areas or for special effects.
    • "A to Z Plant Encyclopedia" lists some 8,000 plants that thrive in the West, including more than 500 new ones. Gorgeous color photographs illustrate all plant entries-for the first time ever in The Western Garden Book.
    • "Gardening From Start to Finish" is a new visual guide that leads readers through all steps of making a garden, from soil prep through planting, growing and care, with special sections on natives, veggies, grasses and more.

    List Price:$44.95
    Our Price:$34.91

    New Jersey History

    New Jersey: A History of the Garden State - -

    New Jersey: A History of the Garden State presents a fresh, comprehensive overview of New Jersey’s history from the prehistoric era to the present. The findings of archaeologists, political, social, and economic historians provide a new look at how the Garden State has evolved.

    The state has a rich Native American heritage and complex colonial history. It played a pivotal role in the American Revolution, early industrialization, and technological developments in transportation, including turnpikes, canals, and railroads. The nineteenth century saw major debates over slavery. While no Civil War battles were fought in New Jersey, most residents supported it while questioning the policies of the federal government.

    Next, the contributors turn to industry, urbanization, and the growth of shore communities. A destination for immigrants, New Jersey continued to be one of the most diverse states in the nation. Many of these changes created a host of social problems that reformers tried to minimize during the Progressive Era. Settlement houses were established, educational institutions grew, and utopian communities were founded. Most notably, women gained the right to vote in 1920. In the decades leading up to World War II, New Jersey benefited from back-to-work projects, but the rise of the local Ku Klux Klan and the German American Bund were sad episodes during this period.

    The story then moves to the rise of suburbs, the concomitant decline of the state’s cities, growing population density, and changing patterns of wealth. Deep-seated racial inequities led to urban unrest as well as political change, including such landmark legislation as the Mount Laurel decision. Today, immigration continues to shape the state, as does the tension between the needs of the suburbs, cities, and modest amounts of remaining farmland.

    Well-known personalities, such as Jonathan Edwards, George Washington, Woodrow Wilson, Dorothea Dix, Thomas Edison, Frank Hague, and Albert Einstein appear in the narrative. Contributors also mine new and existing sources to incorporate fully scholarship on women, minorities, and immigrants. All chapters are set in the context of the history of the United States as a whole, illustrating how New Jersey is often a bellwether for the nation..

    List Price:$19.95
    Our Price:$15.84

    Hidden History of Maritime New Jersey -Captain Stephen D. Nagiewicz - An estimated three thousand shipwrecks lie off the coast of New Jersey--but these icy waters hold more mysteries than sunken hulls. Ancient arrowheads found on the shoreline of Sandy Hook reveal Native American settlement before the land was flooded by melting glaciers. In 1854, 240 passengers of the New Era clipper ship met their fate off Deal Beach. Nobody knows what happened to two hydrogen bombs the United States Air Force lost near Atlantic City in 1957. Lessons from such tragic wrecks and dangerous missteps urged the development of safer ships and the U.S. Coast Guard. Captain Stephen D. Nagiewicz uncovers curious tales of storms, heroism and oddities from New Jersey's maritime past.

    List Price:$21.99
    Our Price:$20.99

    The Secret History of the Jersey Devil: How Quakers, Hucksters, and Benjamin Franklin Created a Monster -ARRAY(0x1c1fe30) -

    Legend has it that in 1735, a witch named Mother Leeds gave birth to a horrifying monster―a deformed flying horse with glowing red eyes―that flew up the chimney of her New Jersey home and disappeared into the Pine Barrens. Ever since, this nightmarish beast has haunted those woods, presaging catastrophe and frightening innocent passersby―or so the story goes. In The Secret History of the Jersey Devil, Brian Regal and Frank J. Esposito examine the genesis of this popular myth, which is also one of the oldest monster legends in the United States.

    According to Regal and Esposito, everything you think you know about the Jersey Devil is wrong. The real story of the Jersey Devil’s birth is far more interesting, complex, and important than most people―believers and skeptics alike―realize. Leaving the Pine Barrens, Regal and Esposito turn instead to the varied political and cultural roots behind the Devil’s creation. Fascinating and lively, this book finds the origins of New Jersey’s favorite monster not in witchcraft or an unnatural liaison between woman and devil but in the bare-knuckled political fights and religious upheavals of colonial America. A product of innuendo and rumor, as well as scandal and media hype, the Jersey Devil enjoys a rich history involving land grabs, astrological predictions, mermaids and dinosaur bones, sideshows, Napoleon Bonaparte’s brother, a cross-dressing royal governor, and Founding Father Benjamin Franklin.

    List Price:$24.95
    Our Price:$23.26

    Encyclopedia of New Jersey - - - Used Book in Good Condition
    The Encyclopedia of New Jersey is the most extensive reference work ever published on the Garden State. The Encyclopedia contains nearly 3,000 original articles, along with 585 illustrations and 130 maps, collecting a wealth of information about the state in one volume. The Encyclopedia is filled with fascinating and interesting entries ranging from New Jersey's earliest history to the present. For example-Did you know that New Jersey was once divided into two parts-East Jersey and West Jersey? That streptomycin was first isolated at Rutgers University? Or that the first vote cast by an African American under the Fifteenth Amendment was in Perth Amboy? How about that New Jersey was the site of the first intercollegiate football game? These facts, and thousands more, can be found in the pages of the Encyclopedia of New Jersey. This volume will provide the answers to questions about New Jersey that you never even knew you had!

    Whether you are merely perusing the pages or are researching a particular subject, the Encyclopedia of New Jersey is your definitive source for information on the Garden State, covering a broad range of subject areas, including:

    * Architecture, decorative arts, painting, and sculpture 
    * Biographies 
    * Business and economics 
    * Communications and media 
    * Education 
    * Ethnicity 
    * Folklore, museums, and theater 
    * Geography 
    * History 
    * Government, law, politics, and public policy 
    * Literature 
    * Medicine and health 
    * Municipalities and counties 
    * Recreation and sports 
    * Religion 
    * Science and technology 
    * Transportation 
    * and many more subjects

    List Price:$49.95
    Our Price:$33.92

    On This Day in New Jersey History -ARRAY(0x1be2880) - The history of the Garden State is filled with well-known events and forgotten happenings. German Americans opened the nation's first kindergarten in Hoboken on February 11, 1861. Prohibition brought more than two hundred bootleggers together in Sea Bright on August 15, 1924, to discuss a fixed price on their product. As America fought World War I and desperately needed ammunition, the T.A. Gillespie Shell plant exploded in Sayreville on October 4, 1918, killing at least one hundred people. From military feats and shady politics to the extraordinary episodes in the lives of everyday people, explore an entire year of events from New Jersey's history. Local historians Joseph Bilby, James Madden and Harry Ziegler chronicle the state's most intriguing and monumental moments--one for each date on the calendar.

    List Price:$19.99
    Our Price:$19.99

    Envisioning New Jersey: An Illustrated History of the Garden State (Rivergate Regionals Collection) -ARRAY(0x1b30190) - - Rutgers University Press
    Winner of the 2017 New Jersey Studies Academic Alliance Author Award, Reference Category

    See New Jersey history as you read about it! Envisioning New Jersey brings together 650 spectacular images that illuminate the course of the state’s history, from prehistoric times to the present. Readers may think they know New Jersey’s history—the state’s increasing diversity, industrialization, and suburbanization—but the visual record presented here dramatically deepens and enriches that knowledge.
    Maxine N. Lurie and Richard F. Veit, two leading authorities on New Jersey history, present a smorgasbord of informative pictures, ranging from paintings and photographs to documents and maps. Portraits of George Washington and Molly Pitcher from the Revolution, battle flags from the War of 1812 and the Civil War, women air raid wardens patrolling the streets of Newark during World War II, the Vietnam War Memorial—all show New Jerseyans fighting for liberty. There are also pictures of Thomas Mundy Peterson, the first African American to vote after passage of the Fifteenth Amendment; Paul Robeson marching for civil rights; university students protesting in the 1960s; and Martin Luther King speaking at Monmouth University. The authors highlight the ethnic and religious variety of New Jersey inhabitants with images that range from Native American arrowheads and fishing implements, to Dutch and German buildings, early African American churches and leaders, and modern Catholic and Hindu houses of worship. Here, too, are the great New Jersey innovators from Thomas Edison to the Bell Labs scientists who worked on transistors. 

    Compiled by the authors of New Jersey: A History of the Garden State, this volume is intended as an illustrated companion to that earlier volume. Envisioning New Jersey also stands on its own because essays synthesizing each era accompany the illustrations. A fascinating gold mine of images from the state’s past, Envisioning New Jersey is the first illustrated book on the Garden State that covers its complete history, capturing the amazing transformation of New Jersey over time.

    View sample pages (http://issuu.com/rutgersuniversitypress/docs/lurie_veit_envisioning_sample)

    Thanks to the New Jersey Historical Commission, the New Jersey Council for the Humanities, and generous individual donors for making this project possible.


    List Price:$25.00
    Our Price:$23.17

    Weird N.J.: Your Travel Guide to New Jersey's Local Legends and Best Kept Secrets -ARRAY(0x1c5c910) -

    Praise for Weird N.J.:


    “They are the chroniclers of the creepy, bards of the bizarre… Mr. Sceurman and Mr. Moran have created a journal of New Jersey’s unwritten history.” —The New York Times


    “Enough with the head-severing mobsters of Jersey. The state is packed with far more evil than TV could ever invent. And Weird N.J. has the pictures to prove it.”  —Rolling Stone


    “If it’s the offbeat, paranormal or downright weird that you crave…there could be no better place” 

                                                                                                                                —USA Today

    List Price:$14.95
    Our Price:$11.91

    A History of Inventing in New Jersey: From Thomas Edison to the Ice Cream Cone -Linda J Barth - Many Americans are familiar with Thomas Edison's "invention factory" in Menlo Park, where he patented the phonograph, the light bulb and more than one thousand other items. Yet many other ideas have grown in the Garden State, too--New Jerseyans brought sound and music to movies and built the very first drive-in theater. In addition to the first cultivated blueberry, tasty treats like ice cream cones and M&Ms are also Jersey natives. Iconic aspects of American life, like the batting cage, catcher's mask and even professional baseball itself, started in New Jersey. Life would be a lot harder without the vacuum cleaner, plastic and Band-Aids, and many important advances in medicine and surgery were also developed here. Join author Linda Barth as she explores groundbreaking, useful, fun and even silly inventions and their New Jersey roots.

    List Price:$29.99
    Our Price:$29.77

    Rutgers since 1945: A History of the State University of New Jersey (Rivergate Regionals Collection) -Paul G. E. Clemens -
    In the 1940s, Rutgers was a small liberal arts college for men. Today, it is a major public research university, a member of the Big Ten and of the prestigious Association of American Universities. In Rutgers since 1945, historian Paul G. E. Clemens chronicles this remarkable transition, with emphasis on the eras from the cold war, to the student protests of the 1960s and 1970s, to the growth of political identity on campus, and to the increasing commitment to big-time athletics, all just a few of the innumerable newsworthy elements that have driven Rutgers’s evolution. 
    After exploring major events in Rutgers’s history from World War II to the present, Clemens moves to specific themes, including athletics, popular culture, student life, and campus dissent. Other chapters provide snapshots of campus life and activism, the school’s growing strength as a research institution, the impact of Title IX on opportunities for women student athletes, and the school’s public presence as reflected in its longstanding institutions. Rutgers since 1945 also features an illustrated architectural analysis, written by art historian Carla Yanni, of residence halls, which house more students than at any other college in the nation.
    Throughout the volume, Clemens aims to be balanced, but he does not shy away from mentioning the many conflicts, crises, and tensions that have shaped the university. While the book focuses largely on the New Brunswick campus, attention is paid to the Camden and Newark campuses as well. Frequently broadening the lens, Clemens contextualizes the events at Rutgers in relation to American higher education overall, explaining which developments are unique and which are part of larger trends. In celebration of the university’s 250th anniversary, Rutgers since 1945 tells the story of the contemporary changes that have shaped one of the most ethnically diverse universities in the country.

    Table of Contents
    1    Becoming a State University: The Presidencies of Robert Clothier, Lewis Webster Jones, and Mason Gross
    2    Rutgers Becomes a Research University: The Presidency of Edward J. Bloustein
    3    Negotiating Excellence: The Presidencies of Francis L. Lawrence and Richard L. McCormick
    4    Student Life
    5    Residence Hall Architecture at Rutgers: Quadrangles, High-Rises, and the Changing Shape of Student Life, by Carla Yanni
    6    Student Protest
    7    Research at Rutgers
    8    A Place Called Rutgers: Glee Club, Student Newspaper, Libraries, University Press, Art Galleries
    9    Women’s Basketball
    10  Athletic Policy
    11  Epilogue

    List Price:$34.95
    Our Price:$31.67

    Germans in New Jersey: A History (American Heritage) -Peter T. Lubrecht - German immigrants and their descendants are integral to New Jersey's history. When the state was young, they founded villages that are now well-established communities, such as Long Valley. Many German immigrants were lured by the freedom and opportunity in the Garden State, especially in the nineteenth century, as they escaped oppression and revolution. German heroes have played a patriotic part in the state's growth and include scholars, artists, war heroes and industrialists, such as John Roebling, the builder of the Brooklyn Bridge, and Thomas Nast, the father of the American cartoon. Despite these contributions, life in America was not always easy; they faced discrimination, especially during the world wars. But in the postwar era, refugees and German Americans alike--through their Deutsche clubs, festivals, societies and language schools--are a huge part of New Jersey's rich cultural tapestry.

    List Price:$19.99
    Our Price:$19.99

    Biking in New Jersey

    Ride Guide New Jersey Mountain Biking -Joshua M. Pierce - - RIDE GUIDE: NJ MTN BIKING This mountain biking guide to the Garden State includes both low-impact and hard-core trails; you will find twenty-six rides encompassing some of the most spectacular and varied terrain in the state. The guide includes level of difficulty, turn-by-turn cue sheets and maps, and descriptions of topography, trail conditions, and points of interest.

    List Price:$15.95
    Our Price:$15.95

    Mountain Biking Eastern New York: Seventy-Four Epic Rides From North Jersey And Long Island To The Adirondacks (Regional Mountain Biking Series) -Michael Margulis - - Details 74 of the best trail rides from North Jersey and Long Island to the Adirondacks, including rides in the Catskills and Westchester. Ride descriptions include easy-to-read maps, difficulty ratings, riding tips, and trip preparation tips. Includes information about the rich history of the region. - 2002, 2nd edition; 384 pages. 8.8 x 6.2 x 1.4 in..
    Profiles over seventy of the best rides in the Adirondacks, the Catskills, Long Island, and Westchester and environs.

    List Price:$16.95
    Our Price:$16.95

    Road Biking New Jersey: A Guide to the State's Best Bike Rides (Road Biking Series) -Tom Hammell -

    Road Biking New Jersey is more than a set of thirty-five great bike rides. It’s a tour of all the beauty and diversity the Garden State has to offer. After addressing bike safety, handling, and maintenance, the book focuses on the rides, with clear directions and insider commentary. Presented in three sections―North, Central, and South―the rides cover a variety of distances, terrain, locations, and traffic conditions, from 12- to 25-mile rambles to a 227-mile epic from northern New Jersey to Cape May.

    From the rural hills by High Point and the busy roads near the George Washington Bridge, to the beautiful Victorian houses on the shores of Cape May and the historic villages on the Delaware, Road Biking New Jersey comprises a whole host of sights to see and enjoy along the way.

    List Price:
    Our Price:

    Rail-Trails Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and New York -Rails-to-Trails Conservancy - - Rail-Trails Pa/Nj/Ny - Mid-Atlantic Hiking/Backpacking Guides - Rails To Trails Conservancy
    Across the country, more than 1,600 unused railroad corridors have been converted to level, public, multiuse trails, where people can enjoy a fitness run, a leisurely bike ride, or a stroll with the family. In this newest addition to the popular series, the Rails-to-Trails Conservancy presents the Northeast’s finest rail-trails. Rail-Trails Northeast covers one hundred of New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania’s rail-trails. With a rich industrial and passenger rail history, the Northeast is one of the densest rail-trail regions in the country. Rural, suburban, or urban, rail-trails serve as the backbone of an impressive trail system. This two-color book includes succinct descriptions of each trail from start to finish, plus at-a-glance summary information indicating permitted uses, surface type, length, and directions to trailheads for each trail. Every trip has a detailed map that includes start and end points, trailhead, parking, restroom facilities, and other amenities.

    List Price:$18.95
    Our Price:$18.05

    Mountain Biking in New Jersey: 37 Off-Road Rides in the Garden State (Quick reference guide) -Christopher MacKinnon - - Used Book in Good Condition The ultimate guide to mountain biking in a small state with a surprising number of great off-road cycling destinations. This book presents 37 of the best of these rides, from the nearly level rail trail beside the Delaware River to the challenging singletrack of the Round Valley Recreation Area. Each ride is accompanied by descriptive text and a detailed map containing all the information cyclists need to enjoy the ride. The map pages can be removed from the book and slipped into a standard bicycling map holder.

    List Price:$13.95
    Our Price:

    Mountain Biking in New Jersey: 45 Off-Road Rides in the Garden State -Christopher Mac Kinnon - Revised and expanded, with up-to-date information on more than 40 off-road rides in the Garden State, including nine new trails.

    List Price:$14.95
    Our Price:$29.40

    Mountain Biking Pennsylvania (State Mountain Biking Series) -Rob Ginieczki - - MOUNTAIN BIKING PENNSYLVANIA
    Mountain bikers of all abilities will enjoy the classic assortment of 80 rides included in this guide.

    List Price:$19.95
    Our Price:$42.31

    Road Bikingâ„¢ Western Pennsylvania (Road Biking Series) -Jim Homerosky -
    Designed for the avid cyclist, this guide offers 40 of the best bicycle rides in western Pennsylvania, ranging from easy day trips to long tours that will challenge even the most seasoned veteran. Highly detailed directions and route maps help make this book an indispensable resource.

    List Price:$15.95
    Our Price:$15.95

    Family-Friendly Biking in New Jersey and Eastern Pennsylvania -Diane Goodspeed - - Used Book in Good Condition
    Do you love bike riding with your kids, but are tired of rides that take you in circles around the neighborhood block? Looking for something more exciting, yet still safe and manageable?

    Through years of research and a lot of trial and error with her own two children, Diane Goodspeed gives us the first biking book for this region geared specifically toward families with young kids. Packed with photos and easy-to-follow maps, Goodspeed shows us where to find nearly twenty-five kid-friendly trails—trails that are not too steep or too long, do not encounter many roads, and provide ample access to food and restroom facilities.

    You will find detailed information on popular New Jersey routes, including the Columbia Trail, Delaware & Raritan Canal Trail, Sussex Branch Trail, and Paulinskill Valley Trail, as well as undemanding rides through Duke Island Park, Hartshorne Woods, and Sandy Hook National Recreation Area. In eastern Pennsylvania, kids of all ages can peddle along the Lehigh Canal and the Delaware Canal and explore the many rambling paths of Tyler State Park.

    These and many more rides are rated according to a child’s biking skills and each one is accompanied by detailed descriptions of the area. And because kids are always full of questions, Goodspeed includes a short history and interesting "did you know?" facts for each region. Tips on equipment options, bike safety, and the nearest bathrooms, playgrounds, and ice cream shops make this book the definitive source for kid-tested, parent-approved biking fun. It is an essential guide for planning the most enjoyable and rewarding family bike excursions.

    List Price:$17.95
    Our Price:$17.90

    Cycling the Erie Canal, Revised Edition: A Guide to 400 Miles of Adventure and History Along the Erie Canalway Trail (Parks & Trails New York) -Parks & Trails New York - An indispensable resource for dedicated cyclists planning to bike across the state or the casual rider looking to take the family out for a couple of hours. Great for walkers, boaters, and auto travelers, too.

    The Erie Canalway Trail is a cycling destination for riders of all abilities. Following one of the world’s most famous manmade waterways, it spans New York State between Albany and Buffalo. Whether enjoying a leisurely ride from one village to another, or spending a week completing the entire 360 miles, the Erie Canalway Trail offers endless adventures exploring the charming towns, living history, scenic beauty and cultural attractions of New York State. The trail route follows both active and historic sections of the Erie Canal. For more than thirty years, state and local governments have been transforming the old towpath and abandoned rail corridor into a 360-mile multi-use pathway; by 2015, more than three-quarters of the off-road route was in place.

    The guidebook is designed primarily for use by bicyclists, but it is also useful for those planning to enjoy the trail on foot, travelling the canal system by boat, or visiting the Canal corridor’s many sites by car. The revised edition includes new inset maps to guide trail users through complicated stretches. All new trail segments developed since 2012 have been added, along with on-road routing updates. The guide’s comprehensive listings of attractions, historic sites, visitor centers, and parks make it an indispensable resource for dedicated cyclists planning to bike across the state or the casual rider looking to take the family out for a couple of hours.

    List Price:$24.95
    Our Price:$24.12

    Fishing in New Jersey

    Fly Fishing New Jersey Trout Streams -Matthew Grobert - This book is the culmination of 35 years of experience, information, insights, observations, and the wonders of fly-fishing for trout in the Garden State.

    Written with the passion of a life-long fly-fisherman, you will gain valuable knowledge on becoming a better angler and naturalist no matter where you fish for trout. Coupled with the lyrical narrative are dozens of photographs taken by a variety of New Jersey anglers who share the author's love of fly-fishing for trout. Matt covers every aspect of fly-fishing for trout in New Jersey with a style and clarity to suit every level of ability. You will learn about three species of trout and their behavior, the insects they eat, and the artificial flies that imitate those insects.

    List Price:$19.95
    Our Price:$14.85

    Morris County New Jersey Fishing & Floating Guide Book: Complete fishing and floating information for Morris County New Jersey -Jim Maccracken - Morris County New Jersey Fishing & Floating Guide Book

    Over 1400 full 8 ½ x 11 pages of information and maps available. Fishing information for ALL of the county’s public ponds and lakes, listing types of fish for each pond or lake, average sizes, and exact locations with GPS coordinates and directions. Also included is fishing information for most of the streams and rivers including access points and public areas with road contact and crossing points and also includes fish types and average sizes.
    NEW NEW Now with a complete set of full sized U.S.G.S. Topographical Maps for the entire county that cost from $8.00 to $15.00 each but are included on the disk for FREE. These maps are complete full sized 7.5 minute series quadrangle maps in 1:24,000 scale and can be opened with Paint or may other types of software.

    Contains information for:

    Aquatic Park Lake
    Atwater Park Pond
    Bayne Park pond
    Beaver Brook
    Bee Meadows Park Lakes
    Black River (F)
    Boonton Reservoir
    Budd Lake
    Burnett Brook
    Burnham Park Ponds
    Califon Island Park Pond
    Community Park Pond
    Crooked Brook
    Den Brook
    Drakes Brook
    Egberts Lake Park Lake
    Electric Brook
    Flanders Brook
    Foote Park Pond
    Green Pond Brook
    Greenview Park Lake
    Harmony Brook
    Hedden Park Lake
    Heisten Park Pond
    Hibernia Brook
    Hidden Cove Park Lake
    India Brook (F)
    Jackson Brook
    Kays Pond
    Lake Ames
    Lake George
    Lake Hiawatha
    Lake Hopatcong
    Lake Musconetcong
    Ledgewood Brook
    Lewis Morris Park Lake
    Loantaka Brook Park Ponds
    Mahlon Dickerson Reservation Pond
    Malapandis Park Pond
    McVickers Brook
    Mill Brook
    Mine Creek
    Morris Plains Community Park Pond
    Mt Hope Pond
    Muriel Hepner Park Ponds
    Musconetcong River (F)
    Oakdale Creek
    Parks Lake
    Passaic River (F)
    Pequannock River (F)
    Pocahontas Park Lake
    Pompton River (F)
    Posts Brook
    Primrose Brook
    Randolph Park Lake
    Raritan River North Branch
    Raritan River South Branch (F)
    Rhineharts Brook
    Richard Wilcox Park Lakes
    Rockaway River (F)
    Russia Brook
    Schooleys Mountain Brook
    Silas Condict Park Lake
    Speedwell Park Lake
    Splitrock Reservoir
    Stephensburg Creek
    Stony Brook
    Trout Brook
    Turkey Brook
    Wallace Brook
    Weldon Brook
    West Brook
    Whippany River (F)
    Willis Brook
    and Woodland Lake

    (F) are floatable streams and rivers

    List Price:
    Our Price:

    Fishing New Jersey: A Guide for Freshwater Anglers -Oliver Shapiro - A complete, detailed guide to fishing New Jersey's fresh waters, from rivers as large as the Delaware, as interesting as the Mustconetcong, or as intimate as Bergen County's Bear Swamp Brook, to lakes such as Lake Hopatcong and many dozens of others, including easy-access subruban locations, Fishing New Jersey covers not only where to fish and how to get there, but tackle and techniques that best put fish on the line. Even seasoned anglers will find new opportunities in this comprehensive guide.

    List Price:$16.95
    Our Price:$16.95

    Fishing the New Jersey Coast -Jim Freda - - Used Book in Good Condition Identifies prime fishing locations for all seasons and species in the Garden State, plus what lures, baits and techniques to use.

    List Price:$16.95
    Our Price:$16.95

    Mid-atlantic Budget Angler: Fly-fishing for Trout in Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia -Ann McIntosh - A traveler's guide to the best trout streams in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, and West Virginia. Fishing tips, maps, directions, places to stay and eat.

    List Price:$16.95
    Our Price:$16.95

    Urban Angling: Fishing the New Jersey-New York Harbor Estuary System -Arthur Kosakowski - A book that covers the waters of the New Jersey-New York harbor estuary system and the common fish and wildlife that you will encounter in the area. With 30 fish species and over 20 other wildlife species, this book is a must for anyone wanting to know more about the fish and wildlife of the New York metropolitan area. Over 80 photos make identification of fish and wildlife a breeze.

    List Price:$12.99
    Our Price:$12.99

    The New Jersey Boat Fisherman -Nick Honachefsky - New Jersey hosts some prime ocean-fishing opportunities, for striped bass, fluke, cod, sharks, tuna, and many other species. Outdoor writer and lifetime angler Honachefsky details these locations, how to find them (with GPS and Loran specifics) and how they are fished.

    List Price:$16.95
    Our Price:$16.95

    Hunterdon County New Jersey Fishing & Floating Guide Book: Complete fishing and floating information for Hunterdon County New Jersey -Jim Maccracken - Hunterdon County New Jersey Fishing & Floating Guide Book

    Over 1180 full 8 ½ x 11 pages of information and maps available. Fishing information for ALL of the county’s public ponds and lakes, listing types of fish for each pond or lake, average sizes, and exact locations with GPS coordinates and directions. Also included is fishing information for most of the streams and rivers including access points and public areas with road contact and crossing points and also includes fish types and average sizes.

    NEW NEW Now with a complete set of full sized U.S.G.S. Topographical Maps for the entire county that cost from $8.00 to $15.00 each but are included on the disk for FREE. These maps are complete full sized 7.5 minute series quadrangle maps in 1:24,000 scale and can be opened with Paint or may other types of software.

    Contains information for:

    Alexauken Creek
    Amwell Lake
    Beattys Brook
    Beaver Brook
    Black Brook
    Boulder Hill Brook
    Bushkill Brook
    Capolong Creek (F)
    Clinton WMA Ponds
    Cold Brook
    D & R Feeder Canal (F)
    Deer Path Park Pond
    Delaware River (F)
    Demott Pond
    Echo Hill Pond
    Frog Hollow Brook
    Guinea Hollow Brook
    Hakihohake Brook
    Hickory Run
    Hollow Brook
    Little Brook
    Little York Brook
    Locatong Creek (F)
    Mannys Pond
    Mountain Farm Pond
    Mulhockaway Creek
    Musconetong River (F)
    Neshanic Rivers (4)(F)
    Nishisakawick Creek
    Norton Brook
    Plum Brook
    Prescott Brook
    Raritan River (F)
    Raritan River South Branch (F)
    Rockaway Creek
    Rockaway Creek North Branch
    Rockaway Creek South Branch
    Rocky Run
    Round Valley Reservoir
    Spring Mills Brook
    Spruce Run
    Spruce Run Reservoir
    Sydney Brook
    Warford Creek
    West Portal Creek
    Wichecheoke Creek
    Willoughby Brook

    (F) floatable streams

    List Price:
    Our Price:

    Somerset County New Jersey Fishing & Floating Guide Book: Complete fishing and floating information for Somerset County New Jersey (New Jersey Fishing & Floating Guide Books) -Jim Maccracken - Somerset County New Jersey Fishing & Floating Guide Book

    Over 845 full 8 ½ x 11 pages of information and maps available. Fishing information for ALL of the county’s public ponds and lakes, listing types of fish for each pond or lake, average sizes, and exact locations with GPS coordinates and directions. Also included is fishing information for most of the streams and rivers including access points and public areas with road contact and crossing points and also includes fish types and average sizes.

    NEW NEW Now with a complete set of full sized U.S.G.S. Topographical Maps for the entire county that cost from $8.00 to $15.00 each but are included on the disk for FREE. These maps are complete full sized 7.5 minute series quadrangle maps in 1:24,000 scale and can be opened with Paint or may other types of software.

    Contains information for:

    Ann Van Middleworth Park Pond
    Ardmaer Park Pond
    Beden Brook (F)
    Bedminster Pond
    Best Lake
    Black River (F)
    Colonial Park Ponds
    D & R Canal (F)
    Gladstone Brook
    Great Brook (F)
    Green Brook (F)
    Herzog Brook
    Hollow Brook
    Indian Grove Brook
    Lindabury Park Pond
    Lomerson Brook
    Middle Brook
    Millstone River (F)
    Mine Brook
    Peapack Brook
    Pleasant Valley Park Pond
    Raritan River (F)
    Raritan River North Branch (F)
    Raritan River South Branch (F)
    Rock Brook
    Southard Park Pond
    Washington Valley Park Reservoir
    Watchung Lake
    and White Oak Park Pond

    (F) means floatable stream or river

    List Price:
    Our Price:

    Bergen County New Jersey Fishing & Floating Guide Book: Complete fishing and floating information for Bergen County New Jersey (New Jersey Fishing & Floating Guide Books) -Jim Maccracken - Bergen County New Jersey Fishing & Floating Guide Book

    Over 770 full 8 ½ x 11 pages of information and maps available. Fishing information for ALL of the county’s public ponds and lakes, listing types of fish for each pond or lake, average sizes, and exact locations with GPS coordinates and directions. Also included is fishing information for most of the streams and rivers including access points and public areas with road contact and crossing points and also includes fish types and average sizes.

    NEW NEW Now with a complete set of full sized U.S.G.S. Topographical Maps for the entire county that cost from $8.00 to $15.00 each but are included on the disk for FREE. These maps are complete full sized 7.5 minute series quadrangle maps in 1:24,000 scale and can be opened with Paint or may other types of software.

    Contains information for:

    Andreas Park Pond
    Bear Swamp Brook
    Bear Swamp Lake
    Campgaw Pond
    Coopers Park Pond
    Cresskill Brook
    Crystal Lake
    Dahners Lake
    Darlington Park Pond
    Hackensack River (F)
    Havenmeyer Brook
    Hohokus Brook(F)
    Hudson River (F)
    Indian Lake
    Liberty Park Pond
    Macmillan Reservoir
    Mahwah River (F)
    Mill Pond
    Oradell Reservoir
    Otto Pehle Pond
    Overpeck Lake
    Park Street Playground Pond
    Pascack Brook
    Pascack Brook County Park Pond
    Passaic River (F)
    Pondside Park Pond
    Ramapo Lake
    Ramapo River(F)
    Roosevelt Common Pond
    Saddle River
    Scarlet Oak Pond
    Stag Brook
    Tenakill Creek
    Van Sauk Park Pond
    Whites Pond
    Wild Duck Pond
    Willow Edge Park Pond
    Woodcliff Lake
    Zabriskies Pond

    (F) are floatable streams and rivers

    List Price:
    Our Price:

    Recreation in New Jersey

    Kittatinny Trails Map: Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area, High Point State Park, Stokes State Forest, Worthington State Forest -New York-New Jersey Trail Conference -

    Printed in vibrant color on waterproof and tear-resistant Tyvek, this revised, digitally-produced four-map set is a must-have for outdoor enthusiasts interested in exploring the vast parklands along the Kittatinny Ridge and adjacent section of the Delaware River through New Jersey and Pennsylvania.

    The maps in this set feature:

    • More than 275 miles of marked trails in portions of New Jersey (Sussex and Warren counties), Pennsylvania (Monroe, Northampton, and Pike counties), and New York (Orange County)
    • Parklands including the Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area, High Point State Park, Stokes State Forest, Worthington State Forest, and Huckleberry Ridge State Forest
    • More than 50 miles of the Appalachian Trail as it traverses the Kittatinny Ridge
    • Detailed trail mileage numbers directly on the map front
    • 20-foot elevation contours
    • 1:36,000 scale (1 inch = 3,000 feet)
    • Convenient map sizes to carry and use on the trail
    • Complete trail index and guide to trail usage on map back
    • Enlarged inset maps of many popular areas, including High Point Monument, Stony Lake, and the Delaware Water Gap
    • Parkland boundaries
    • Unmaintained trails and woods roads
    • Viewpoints, campsites, shelters, waterfalls, mines, and other points of interest
    • Parking areas
    • Delaware River information such as river mileage, access points, rapids, and river campsites
    • Park contact information, history, and regulations
    • UTM coordinate grid with latitude/longitude markings

    Built on more than 75 years of mapping experience, New York-New Jersey Trail Conference maps are your source for reliable trail information in the New York-New Jersey metropolitan region. These maps are Made By the People Who Build the Trails and are regularly updated with changes to the trails.

    List Price:$13.95
    Our Price:$13.95

    Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area (Images of America) -Laura Obiso - - Used Book in Good Condition Europeans first settled in what was to become the Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area (DWGNRA) in the 17th century. By the late 1800s, the Delaware Water Gap had become a popular vacation spot, attracting thousands to the palatial resorts in the mountains. Rural communities thrived in the valley until the 1960s. The DWGNRA was created in 1965 to oversee activities centered around a reservoir that was to be the result of a dam to be built on the Delaware River at Tocks Island. In anticipation of the dam, the government removed residents by purchasing or condemning property. An environmental and political war raged, and the dam was ultimately defeated. Although several historical sites were lost, many survived and a few have been restored. Today the DWGNRA is one of the country’s most popular parks. Within its boundaries are rugged and beautiful wilderness, historic landmarks, and the wild and scenic Delaware River.

    List Price:$21.99
    Our Price:$21.99

    Explorer's Guide 50 Hikes in New Jersey: Walks, Hikes, and Backpacking Trips from the Kittatinnies to Cape May (Fourth Edition) (Explorer's 50 Hikes) -New York-New Jersey Trail Conference - - 50 HIKES: NEW JERSEY

    This completely updated treasury of trails takes you to the best wild places in the Garden State.

    Hike along the Appalachian ridge or over the ragged Wyanokies, pass into pine barrens or through marshes and dunes on the coast, and you’ll see that New Jersey has so much more than just cities. This fully revised edition takes you deep into its wild heart.

    100+ color photos

    List Price:$21.95
    Our Price:$18.43

    New Jersey Atlas & Gazetteer -Delorme - - Includes Boat ramps, Camp roads, Recreational sites, etc. - Paperback for easy carry and storage - Easy to use and read Delorme, a Travel Planning Resource. More than just a great place to purchase DeLorme mapping software, the Earth mate GPS and Atlas & Gazetteers for every state. You'll find a rich assortment of travel planning items, guide books, globes, maps and atlases covering the entire world. Plus geography-related gift items for travelers, perfect for graduation, retirement, Father's Day, and holiday gifts.

    List Price:$19.95
    Our Price:

    New Jersey State Parks Camping & Recreation Guide -Scott Zamek - - Author: Scott Zamek - ISBN: 9780811734738
  • Maps of campgrounds and more than 200 trails and detailed trail descriptions and recommendations on campsites
  • More than 25 activities described
  • 85 wildlife areas featured

    The Garden State is rife with beautiful natural areas, preserved by the state park system. This is a comprehensive guide to camping, hiking, boating, and other recreation to be enjoyed in New Jersey's state parks. Packed with detailed maps, the book includes useful trail descriptions, helpful tips on finding the best campsites, and expert advice on a range of activities, from birding and fishing to horseback riding, mountain biking, and cross-country skiing.

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  • The Crossover (The Crossover Series) -Kwame Alexander - - Newbery medal winners

    New York Times bestseller ∙ Newbery Medal Winner ∙Coretta Scott King Honor Award ∙2015 YALSA 2015 Top Ten Best Fiction for Young Adults∙ 2015 YALSA Quick Picks for Reluctant Young Adult Readers ∙Publishers Weekly Best Book ∙ School Library Journal Best Book∙ Kirkus Best Book

    "A beautifully measured novel of life and line."—The New York Times Book Review

    "With a bolt of lightning on my kicks . . .The court is SIZZLING. My sweat is DRIZZLING. Stop all that quivering. Cuz tonight I’m delivering," announces dread-locked, 12-year old Josh Bell. He and his twin brother Jordan are awesome on the court. But Josh has more than basketball in his blood, he's got mad beats, too, that tell his family's story in verse, in this fast and furious middle grade novel of family and brotherhood from Kwame Alexander.

    Josh and Jordan must come to grips with growing up on and off the court to realize breaking the rules comes at a terrible price, as their story's heart-stopping climax proves a game-changer for the entire family.

    List Price:$16.99
    Our Price:$9.38

    Best Tent Camping: New Jersey: Your Car-Camping Guide to Scenic Beauty, the Sounds of Nature, and an Escape from Civilization -Matt Willen -

    Perfect Camping for You in New Jersey!

    The Garden State provides a spectacular backdrop for some of the most scenic campgrounds in the country. But do you know which campgrounds offer the most privacy? Which are the best for first-time campers? Matt Willen traversed the entire state―from the northern reaches of Stokes State Forest to the Atlantic coastal islands―and compiled the most up-to-date research to steer you to the perfect spot!

    Best Tent Camping: New Jersey presents 50 private, state park, and state forest campgrounds, organized into five distinct regions. Selections are based on location, topography, size, and overall appeal, and every site is rated for beauty, privacy, spaciousness, safety and security, and cleanliness―so you’ll always know what to expect. The new full-color edition of this proven guidebook provides everything you need to know, with detailed maps of each campground and key information such as fees, restrictions, dates of operation, and facilities, as well as driving directions and GPS coordinates.

    Whether you seek a quiet campground near a fish-filled stream or a family campground with all the amenities, grab Best Tent Camping: New Jersey. It’s an escape for all who wish to find those special locales that recharge the mind, body, and spirit. This guide is a keeper.

    List Price:$16.95
    Our Price:$13.93

    Last Child in the Woods: Saving Our Children From Nature-Deficit Disorder -Richard Louv - - Great product! "I like to play indoors better 'cause that's where all the electrical outlets are," reports a fourth-grader. Never before in history have children been so plugged in-and so out of touch with the natural world. In this groundbreaking new work, child advocacy expert Richard Louv directly links the lack of nature in the lives of today's wired generation-he calls it nature deficit-to some of the most disturbing childhood trends, such as rises in obesity, Attention Deficit Disorder (Add), and depression. Some startling facts: By the 1990s the radius around the home where children were allowed to roam on their own had shrunk to a ninth of what it had been in 1970. Today, average eight-year-olds are better able to identify cartoon characters than native species, such as beetles and oak trees, in their own community. The rate at which doctors prescribe antidepressants to children has doubled in the last five years, and recent studies show that too much computer use spells trouble for the developing mind. Nature-deficit disorder is not a medical condition; it is a description of the human costs of alienation from nature. This alienation damages children and shapes adults, families, and communities. There are solutions, though, and they're right in our own backyards. Last child in the Woods is the first book to bring together cutting-edge research showing that direct exposure to nature is essential for healthy childhood development-physical, emotional, and spiritual. What's more, nature is a potent therapy for depression, obesity, and Add. Environment-based education dramatically improves standardized test scores and grade point averages and develops skills in problem solving, critical thinking, and decision making. Even creativity is stimulated by childhood experiences in nature.

    List Price:$16.95
    Our Price:$10.56

    Chesapeake Requiem: A Year with the Watermen of Vanishing Tangier Island -Earl Swift -

    A brilliant, soulful, and timely portrait of a two-hundred-year-old crabbing community in the middle of the Chesapeake Bay as it faces extinction.

    A BEST BOOK OF THE YEAR: Washington Post, NPR, Outside, Smithsonian, Popular Science, Bloomberg, Christian Science Monitor, Chicago Review of Books, Science Friday, and Kirkus 

    "BEAUTIFUL, HAUNTING AND TRUE." — Hampton Sides •  “GORGEOUS. A TRULY REMARKABLE BOOK.” — Beth Macy • "GRIPPING. FANTASTIC." — Outside • "CAPTIVATING." — Washington Post • "POWERFUL." — Bill McKibben • "VIVID. HARROWING AND MOVING." — Science • "A MASTERFUL NARRATIVE." — Christian Science Monitor • "THE BEST NONFICTION BOOK OF THE YEAR."  — Stephen L. Carter/Bloomberg

    A Washington Post bestseller • An Indie Next List selection • An NPR All Things Considered and Axios "Book Club" pick

    Tangier Island, Virginia, is a community unique on the American landscape. Mapped by John Smith in 1608, settled during the American Revolution, the tiny sliver of mud is home to 470 hardy people who live an isolated and challenging existence, with one foot in the 21st century and another in times long passed. They are separated from their countrymen by the nation’s largest estuary, and a twelve-mile boat trip across often tempestuous water—the same water that for generations has made Tangier’s fleet of small fishing boats a chief source for the rightly prized Chesapeake Bay blue crab, and has lent the island its claim to fame as the softshell crab capital of the world.

    Yet for all of its long history, and despite its tenacity, Tangier is disappearing. The very water that has long sustained it is erasing the island day by day, wave by wave. It has lost two-thirds of its land since 1850, and still its shoreline retreats by fifteen feet a year—meaning this storied place will likely succumb first among U.S. towns to the effects of climate change. Experts reckon that, barring heroic intervention by the federal government, islanders could be forced to abandon their home within twenty-five years. Meanwhile, the graves of their forebears are being sprung open by encroaching tides, and the conservative and deeply religious Tangiermen ponder the end times.   

    Chesapeake Requiem is an intimate look at the island’s past, present and tenuous future, by an acclaimed journalist who spent much of the past two years living among Tangier’s people, crabbing and oystering with its watermen, and observing its long traditions and odd ways. What emerges is the poignant tale of a world that has, quite nearly, gone by—and a leading-edge report on the coming fate of countless coastal communities.

    List Price:$28.99
    Our Price:$19.71

    The Running Dream (Schneider Family Book Award - Teen Book Winner) -Wendelin Van Draanen - - Ember When Jessica is told she’ll never run again, she puts herself back together—and learns to dream bigger than ever before. The acclaimed author of Flipped delivers a powerful and healing story.
    Jessica thinks her life is over when she loses a leg in a car accident. She’s not comforted by the news that she’ll be able to walk with the help of a prosthetic leg. Who cares about walking when you live to run?
    As she struggles to cope, Jessica feels that she’s both in the spotlight and invisible. People who don’t know what to say act like she’s not there. Jessica’s embarrassed to realize that she’s done the same to a girl with CP named Rosa. A girl who is going to tutor her through all the math she’s missed. A girl who sees right into the heart of her.
    With the support of family, friends, a coach, and her track teammates, Jessica may actually be able to run again. But that’s not enough for her now. She doesn’t just want to cross finish lines herself—she wants to take Rosa with her.
    “Inspirational. The pace of Van Draanen’s prose matches Jessica’s at her swiftest. Readers will zoom through the book just as Jessica blazes around the track. A lively and lovely story.” —Kirkus Reviews

    List Price:$9.99
    Our Price:$9.99

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