2024 Garden – Phase 3: Growth and Maintenance

Garden pest UpdateFeeding and WateringJune 12June 20June 24July 4July 7July 23

My radio-flyer wagon with kneeler and gardening tools and gloves. I use an old plastic bucket for garden debris and weeds.

With the majority of my planting complete, it is time to proceed to the next phase of my outdoor garden project. This phase is growth and maintenance, which includes feeding the plants, watering, and weeding. Weeding is a chore that is best performed frequently to avoid becoming overwhelming. It is also important to keep the garden clean and free of debris. In addition to the weeding, I will need to monitor the health of the plants and address any issues that arise. This includes removing dead or diseased plants, addressing pests and diseases, and providing adequate drainage.

Garden Pest Update


Captain Jacks Deadbug

I noticed some leaf damage on my eggplants and treated with Captain Jacks Dead Bug. I grew broccoli and cauliflower last year and had problems with cabbage moths, dead bug worked well. This year I am using it on my eggplants for mites. BONIDE Captain Jack’s Deadbug Brew is approved for organic gardening to control a wide range of listed insect pests on listed vegetables, citrus, fruits flowers, and ornamentals. I have been using Deadbug for a few years, and I have found it to be very effective on broccoli and cauliflower. After just a few treatments, my broccoli and cauliflower plants were thriving, and I haven’t had to treat them since. This year, I’m using Deadbug to treat spider mites on my eggplants, and I’m happy to report that the good results. After just a few treatments, the eggplants in my garden have less perforated leaves, and they are growing well. Deadbug has been approved as an organic gardening treatment. The active ingredient in Deadbug is Bt (Bacillus thuringiensis), which is a naturally occurring bacteria that produces a protein (Cry toxin) that is deadly to certain insects.

Cayenne pepper is an effective deterrent for garden pests such as rabbits and groundhogs. I sprinkle the pepper around the perimeter of my gardens, and I purchase it in bulk. The pepper is an irritant to the pests, and they will avoid areas where it is sprinkled. I have found that this method is very effective in keeping the pests away from my plants.

Cayenne pepper is an effective deterrent for rabbits, groundhogs, etc. but must be applied daily

rt23 staff
Cayenne Pepper and dredge shaker

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Feeding and Watering


Organic fertilizers include blood meal and bone meal

I have been engaged in gardening for many years, and I have always been committed to finding the best way to promote growth and maintain the health of my plants. I have experimented with various methods, but I have recently switched to using a mixture of blood meal and bone meal, and the results have been impressive. Now, I sprinkle a 50/50 mixture of both meals into the soil at the base of the plant stems. This method has proven to be highly effective for several reasons. First, blood meal is a good source of nitrogen, which is an essential nutrient for plants. Second, bone meal is a good source of calcium and phosphorus, which also help plants thrive. Third, this method is all-natural and does not contain any harmful chemicals. This simple yet powerful solution has contributed to the health and growth of my plants in a remarkable way.

Sometimes “you are the rain”, make a habit of watering your garden regularly

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It is important to know how to interpret the signs that plants give to their caretakers. Watering is a key element to maintaining healthy plants, but it can be difficult to determine the amount and frequency of water your plants require. To avoid over- or under-watering, I maintain a consistent schedule but also vigilantly monitor my plants for indicators of thirst, such as dry soil or wilted leaves. Through careful observation, I have learned to recognize these cues and adjust my watering accordingly. It is a delicate balancing act, but one that is essential for thriving plants.

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June 12, 2024


Garden Beans with flowers

I am trying to use up the remaining seeds I have, so I am planting sunflowers, cucumbers, and zucchini. I also have a few tomato plants left over, and I am trying to find a place to put them. It is a lot of work, but I am eager to see how everything grows. I am also looking forward to the time when I can enjoy the homegrown produce at the end of the season. Gardening is such a rewarding pastime. I am glad I am able to continue gardening this season.

Garden bean flowers (right)

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June 20, 2024


Tomato plants are growing fast and full.

Our garden has been doing great in this heat wave. I think it has something to do with the fact that we’ve been working so hard to keep it watered. The tomatoes, eggplants, Mexican sunflowers, and Cucamelons are loving it. The heat and daily watering have worked like a charm and our recent blood and bone meal treatment really helped too.

Although the hot, sunny weather promotes plant growth, regular watering is required

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The cherry tomatoes have begun producing fruit, and the garden beans are in full bloom! We are checking on our garden beans every day so we can pick them at peak flavor before the seeds form. I’ve been gardening for many years and I’ve learned to keep a close eye on all of my plants so I can harvest them at just the right time. It’s all part of the fun, and I’m so glad I’m able to keep gardening this season.

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June 24, 2024


We’ve been hard at work keeping our garden well watered and healthy, especially in this heatwave, and it’s really paid off. Our vegetable plants are thriving, and we’re seeing flowers on our tomatoes, cucumbers, and more. Even our garden beans are covered in white flowers. Now that our plants have made it through the hottest part of the summer, we’re excited to keep growing and tending to them and can’t wait to see our summer harvest.

Tomato Flowers (Better Boy/Beefsteak)

Our Better Boy/Beefsteak tomato crop is doing so well that we’re already getting some early flowering on the plants. We’re really hoping that this means an early harvest, which would be amazing. We’ve been working so hard to make sure that our garden is healthy and productive, and so far, it seems to be paying off. We planted the seeds in March and moved the seedlings outside in late April when there was less risk of frost. We have made sure to keep the plants watered and fertilized, and we’ve even sung and played music to them. It’s not easy growing tomatoes in North Jersey, but we’ve been having fun and are looking forward to the results. Fingers crossed!!

Our cherry tomatoes are already bearing fruit! They’re so sweet and delicious, you can pick them right off the vine and eat them fresh or prepare them with a little salt, pepper, and oregano for a summer treat! I’ve been gardening for many years and I’ve learned to keep a close eye on all of my plants so I can harvest them at just the right time. It’s all part of the fun!

Cherry Tomato
Cucumber flower

Look at these beautiful cucumber flowers in my garden! I planted the seeds on May 9 and they grew quickly. If you’re a gardener in northern New Jersey, it’s still not too late to plant cucumber seeds and get a harvest! The flowers are yellow and have a pretty bell shape. The flowers have a long stem and bloom one at a time. I love growing cucumbers, especially as i started making pickles last year.

Our pumpkins have been flowering but I don’t think the plant is developed enough to support the fruit

Pumpkin Flower
Summer Squash flower

If you’re a gardener in northern New Jersey, you’re in luck! It’s not too late to plant summer squash. I planted mine on May 13, and they’re already flowering. The plants grew really fast, so I think it’s still possible to get a harvest this season. If you’re a squash fan, I recommend getting your seeds in the ground today. In addition to being a delicious vegetable, squash is also very good for you. If you are not already a squash fan, it is time to try it!

July 4, 2024


Cucamelon flower


Cucamelon almost ready to pick!

Our cucamelon vines have grown so much this year that they’ve enveloped the entire garden fence! The vines are covered with lots of flowers, so we’re expecting a bumper crop of cucamelons this year! But the best part is that the cucamelon plants are producing lots of flowers!

Our Summer Squash plants are beginning to bear fruit!

Our Summer Squash plants are getting huge! They have lots of flowers and even some fruit. We are looking forward to harvesting them soon. We are still in the early stages of growth, but the plants are doing well and we are excited to see what the future holds.

Our cherry tomatoes are also bearing fruit and we are waiting for them to change from green to red.

cherry tomatoes

July 7, 2024


Watermelon flower

Every day, new flowers are appearing in our garden. The most recent flowering vegetables are watermelon and eggplant. Our cucumbers and tomatoes are also producing flowers and some fruits.

eggplant flower

However, we are also encountering new pests, such as grasshoppers, which are consuming our leaves. These pests are a nuisance, but they are also a sign that our garden is thriving and producing food.

We have been using Captain Jack’s Deadbug weekly to control mites and caterpillars on our eggplants. It has been very effective, and we have not seen any damage from these pests. However, now that the plants are flowering, we have stopped using it to protect the pollinators.

Grasshopper eating eggplant leaves

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July 23, 2024 – Garden Update

Beefsteak tomatoes in the rain
Tomato alley full of beefsteak tomatoes and weeds!

My garden is a riot of color and growth. The weeds are growing abundantly, but the cherry tomatoes and beefsteak tomatoes are thriving, and the eggplants are flowering. I love the look of my garden, even though it looks like a joyful mess.
I prepared my garden by laying down ground cloth and securing it with garden staples. The ground cloth serves two purposes. First, it acts as a barrier to prevent weeds from growing. Second, it helps to retain moisture in the soil. Unfortunately, Mother Nature had other plans for the garden this year. weeds grew as well as my vegetables. Despite this setback, my granddaughters inform me that there are 110 tomatoes growing!!

leaf beetles eating eggplant leaves

Eggplants seem to attract a variety of insect pests. First there were caterpillars and spider mites which I treated with Captain Jacks Deadbug, a naturally occurring bacteria called Spinosad. Spinosad is a leading pesticide used worldwide in the production of organic produce.

Leaf Beetle, ugh.

I am now encountering leaf beetles on my eggplants. As soon as I discovered them, I began by culling the beetles and then disposing of them. However, if the problem becomes more severe, I may employ the use of Captain Jack’s Deadbug, which is approved for organic gardening.

replanting a new basil and cilantro herb crop
herbs and flowers in our stackable plant containers!

The stackable plant containers I purchased last spring were a great success! We were able to harvest a bountiful crop of dill, which we enjoyed fresh and froze for future meals. We also harvested cilantro and basil, and today we planted a new crop of these herbs. In addition to the herbs we grew marigolds and snapdragon for color. The best part is that the containers are so easy to move around that I can put them in the best spot for each plant.

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