2024 Garden Wrap-up

Septembr 3: ScorecardSeptember 5: Never Say DieSeptember 30: Clean up!

September 3, 2024: Scorecard

Its been a good season for the garden this year but not without a few disappointments. On the positive side we harvested many tomatoes, cucamelons, cucumbers and summer squash. The summer squash we were able to eat fresh while the abundance of cucumbers were either “fresh” pickled or hot water canned. The tomatoes were eaten fresh and we were able to can a few jars.

On the other hand, we did not harvest any radishes, carrots or eggplant. Root crops are difficult to grow in North Jersey rocky, clay soil.

Pumpkin on the vine
This is a picture of a pumpkin that was destroyed by an animal. The pumpkin was growing well, but the animal ate it.

In early spring, we started pumpkin plants in the house, which was a good start. We transplanted them outdoors in May, and they grew well, producing numerous flowers. However, the plants produced little fruit. It appears that animals consumed one immature pumpkin, and another pumpkin rotted on the ground. We have one pumpkin remaining, and it appears healthy, so we may be able to harvest it in the fall.

September 5, 2024: Never Say Die

Autumnal radish patch

Every year I try to harvest radishes in the fall season, but without success. This year, I did some research and found that radishes prefer colder temperatures around 60 degrees F. I had tried planting in August, but the warm temperatures caused the radishes to bolt and not produce delicious bulbs. This year, I planted when the overnight temperatures reached 50 degrees F. I also added some lime pellets because radishes thrive in basic soil conditions.

I am planting Ferry and Morse Early Scarlet Globe Radish seeds again this year. I have a small patch that I cleared with a garden fork, loosening the soil. I planted the entire seed pack in two rows and watered. Now we wait for an autumn harvest in October. The seed pack says it takes 25 days from sprouting to harvest.

September 30, 2024 UPDATE: All of the radishes sprouted but unfortunately they were eaten by chipmunks and such. i should have used cayenne pepper to deter the pests, Live and learn!

September 30, 2024: Clean-up

The tomato harvest is over, and the cold weather is taking its toll on the tomato plants. The leaves are turning brown and wilting, and the stems are becoming brittle. It’s time to bundle the tomato cages for storage until next year. I’ll leave the landscaping cloth in place to prevent weeds from growing until I till the garden in the spring.

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