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New Jersey Tomatoes
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Starting seeds indoors

Early Spring is a good time to start your seeds indoors, especially vegetable that have long grwoing seasons and flowers for early blooms). 
 We start tomatoes and eggplant in aluminum trays and make pots from newspaper using a PotMaker® The Original Pot Maker .  I bought a bag of miracle grow potting mix and burpee seeds and set to work. Try to keep your hands very clean washing with soap and water when working with seeds and avoid handling the seeds directly.  This will help prevent mold or yeasts growing in your pot. First I form the pots from newspaper, then fill approximately 3/4 full with potting soil and line the pots in the tray. When the tray is full, I wet the pots and soil with water. Then I carefully sprinkle three to five seeds per pot directly from an opened seed envelope.  after the seeds are added to the pots, i use a watering can with a diffuser so as not to disturb the soil and seeds.

Then the seed trays are placed in the warmest room in the house to germinate, they do not need sunlight yet so a sunny window or lights are unnecessary. Within about two weeks, your seeds should be growing and will need light.

Starting tomatoes by the middle of March should result in July fruit.  I also start a tray of flowers too,  this year I planted zinnias, snapdragons and poppies.  Zinnias are the easiest flowers to grow from seed that i have found. The seeds are large and easy to handle and the flowers are large and colorful.  Zinnias grow tall and fill a garden with color. Marigolds are alos easy to grow for the same reasons. Zinnia and Marigold flower produce seeds that are easy to harvest when closing the garden for winter and can be use to grow next years garden.

Toe-May-Toe, Toe-Mah-Toe

Heirloom tomato sale

Heirloom tomato plants on sale in Layfayette, N.J.

Needless to say, there are many varieties of tomato which can thrive in northern New Jersey.  We normally start seeds indoors near the middle of March, alternatively, tomato plants can be found almost anywhere during the months of April and May at a local supermarket or heirloom farm for planting in your garden.We had good results with both starting  our tomato garden with seeds and  using commercial tomato plants.
Growing Tomatoes from Seed>>

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