Northern New Jersey was the site of some of
the earliest European settlements in what
would become the United States of America.
During the American Revolutionary War, New
Jersey was a strategic location between the
capitol of the fledgling United States, New
York City, and the Continental Congress in
Philadelphia. Important materials necessary to
the war effort were produced in Northern New
The Continental Army made its home here
during the war and history from this period
can be found in nearly every village and town
in northern New Jersey. Battle fields,camps,
skirmish sites and headquarters can be found
near Morristown and north in the Preakness
Valley. In the northwestern part of the state,
iron mines and foundries supplied raw material
for guns and ammunition.
The people of New Jersey had a great
influence on the formation of the United
States government. William
Paterson, before being governor of New
Jersey, was a delegate to the Philadelphia
Convention of 1787. At this convention, the
Constitution of the United States was written
by the "peoples representitives using reason
and experience to decide how to govern
themselves"*. William Paterson put forth the
New Jersey Plan which promoted states rights.
In William Paterson's plan, each state would
receive one vote in a single legislative body.
This plan was eventually combined with the
Virginia Plan, where votes were assigned
porportionally by population, to form the
present bicameral system of the Senate (two
votes per state) and House of Representitives
(apportioned by population of a state).
Chemistry Lab at
Edison's "Invention Factory" in West
Orange, New Jersey around 1910
The Industrial Revolution in America started
by the founding of the northern New Jersey
town of Paterson. Today, the United States and
the world enjoy the fruit born of seeds
planted in northern New Jersey during the
Industrial Revolution. Alexander Hamilton,
Secretary for the Treasury and President of
the Bank of New York during the end of the
eighteenth century, selected the Great Falls
area (also known as the Passaic Falls) for an
ambitious experiment. He promoted the natural
power of the Great Falls as an excellent
location for textile mills and other
Paterson, New Jersey attracted skilled
craftsmen and engineers from Europe to run the
mills and produced a large concentration of
creative and able people. During the mid
nineteenth century the engines and material to
tame a continent were made here. Thomas Edison
installed one of the first hydro electric
powerplants in the world using the Great Falls
as an energy source. This powerplant still
provides electricity today.
Lou Costello
Memorial in Paterson, New Jersey
In West Orange, Edison created the first
technical research and development facility
with his "invention factory". The electric
light, improved motion pictures and sound
recording were among the hundreds of
inventions produced here.
Later, Bell Telephone established a research
facility, Bell Labs, where the radio telescope
and the transistor were discovered.
Northern New Jersey is a great
place to explore! It is a place where one can
discover a historical timeline that extends
from prehistory to the invention of the
transistor. The staff at is actively
documenting this wonderful history. Please
join us in a journey though the history of
northern New Jersey and stop by often for new
articles. Don't forget to check our
Calendar of
Events and our
for historical reenactments, museums and other
interesting sights and events.